rent buses in Lissabon with coach companies from Portugal

Long distance coaches from Lissabon (Portugal)

Portuguese coaches don't cost much - compared to the bus rental fee of other European countries - and are therefore very popular for bus travel itineraries all across Europe. The coach reservation company Lissabon Buses can help you hire buses with driver for any international charter coach service in Portugal and anywhere else in Europe. According to the number of passengers in your group, we can rent you out full-sized 50-seater coaches, 8-seater microbuses, or 20-seater minibuses for your international bus tours. And for very big groups, we can also provide you with 60-seater buses and double-decker buses with a maximum of 89 passenger seats.

LDC-coaches from Lissabon and Portugal

Long distance bus tours across Europe are covered by so-called "LDC-coaches" (= long distance coaches). These are buses with particularly comfortable equipment like reclining seats, toilets, a kitchen, CD and DVD player, microphone, air condition and many other important features for a journey to far away destinations in Europe. Lissabon Buses can help you hire a top-quality long distance coach with driver from Lissabon or from other places in Portugal. For example, our bus drivers are specialized in the following kinds of bus travel in Europe:

  • Coach tours to Portugal and Spain: starting from Lissabon or any other place in Portugal, the coaches of our partner bus companies are ready to take you on a bus travel itinerary to the Iberian peninsula anytime. We can also come pick you up at Madrid, Valencia, Sevilla, Murcia, Valladolid, Granada, Barcelona or in any other Spanish city of your choice.
  • Coach tours to Western Europe: we can also rent you out a modern bus with driver for any bus travel to France, Italy, Siwtzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany or the Netherlands. Many of our partner bus rental companies from Portugal do regularly have LDC coaches based in Marseille, Lyon, Paris, Bruxelles, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Munich, Milan, Venice, Florence or Rome - so please don't hesitate to ask us for a price even if your bus travel itinerary in western Europe doesn't touch Portuguese territory.
  • Coach tours to Central Europe: our buses can also take you to Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Poland. We would be happy to pick you up or drop you off at the airports of Salzburg, Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Bratislava, Krakow, or Warsaw. Many times, there is already a Portuguese long distance coach in any of these cities so that we don't have any empty kilometers to reach them and to pick up your group.

Wherever you might wish to start a long distance coach tour across Europe, we would be pleased to help you hire a Portuguese LDC-coach with a professional bus driver from Lissabon or from any other city in Portugal.

How to hire long distance coaches from Portugal

If you want to rent a bus with driver for a long distance coach tour in Portugal or anywhere else in Europe, please send us your bus travel itinerary to . Our bus reservation company and our patner charter coach companies will happily answer you with an individual quotation for your LDC-coach rental in Europe!